

Oak Processionary Moth Treatment

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Oak Processionary Moth (Thaumetopoea processionea) is a non-native species of moth accidentally introduced into Britain in 2005 due to the trade of live plants.

The outbreak was contained within London for some years however, they are now moving remorselessly outwards into the Home Counties. The OPM caterpillars feed on oak leaves and cause significant damage to the integrity of the tree.

The caterpillars have distinctive long white hairs emerging from reddish warts along their bodies, a single dark stripe down their backs and a whitish line along each side. Their hairs are irritating and can cause skin and respiratory problems and conjunctivitis to people, pets and wildlife. Contact with dead larvae, cocoons, nests and debris-infected oak trees can cause dermatitis and other symptoms.

We are one of very few specialist Oak Processionary Moth contractors who are qualified and experienced in nest treatment and OPM management.

Treatment of Oak Processionary Moth, should only be carried out by an appropriately trained professional.